D2P CryptoClub

Bring more people to the digital world, and as a result of that, make more money faster. Even animals in the jungle understand that hunting as a group, rather than hunting alone, significantly increases their chances of getting a meal. Similarly, by joining forces together, each member of the club has a much higher chance of attaining financial success.

a- We recognize that AI and Blockchain technology will dominate every aspect of our lives in the future. Therefore, we think it is wise to embrace those technologies in order to get the maximum financial benefits from them while they are still in their early stages currently. 

b- Basic crypto education

c- We help you build a crypto portfolio starting with FSP, FSU, SCF and eventually BTC, ETH, BNB etc.……

d- We teach you a strategy that builds you a team which will follow you in every business opportunity you join.

e- Great passive income potentials.

To ensure that every member can build their own personal team within the club, we have decided to impose certain limitations on the number of referrals a member can introduce to the club.

a- Maximum referrals is just 2. The first one you keep, while the last one is donated to your upline.

b- Minimum referral is also 2. Please keep in mind that in order to receive any rewards, you must meet the minimum requirement of 2 personal referrals in your initial team.

Every member must donate their second referral to their upline. The logic for introducing that rule is to ensure that every single member is helping every other member in the whole club. As a result of this dynamic, each member will eventually grow a team of more than 2 members, even though they can only introduce a maximum of 2 referrals.

a- Initial team (you and your 2 referrals)

b- Permanent team (you, your first referral, and all other referral passed up to you through the mandatory donation rule)

c- As the team leader, every single member of the team is obligated to follow you in all other business opportunities the club decides to get involved with (unless of course, they were already affiliated with that particular opportunity).

d- The club already has a list of programs that they intend to join. However, we welcome suggestions from our members as to new opportunities to explore. We will put them to a vote if we are confident about the longevity of those suggested programs.

For the sake of fairness, we feel it is necessary to create a waiting list for those members who would like to acquire their 2 members by making a purchase from D2P Club. Therefore, we will operate on a “first come, first serve” basis. Similarly, we will buy referrals from those who first indicate to us that they have additional new members that they would like to refer to the club.